Got iron? I DON'T!

What is Anemia

  • develops when your blood lacks healthy red blood cells.

  • The body lacks iron

  • 3.5 million Americans are affected yearly.

  • It is usually hereditary and are affected once the baby is born.

  • There are 400 types of Anemia which are all VERY DIFFERENT!


  • blood loss
  • decrease or faulty blood cell productin
  • destruction of red blood cells
  • kidney disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Autoimmune disorders; Lupus
  • menstruation having excessive bleeding and multiple pregnancies
  • Body can produce little blood cells or blood cells that do not work properly
  • Lack of minerals and vitamins/ Nutricional problems
  • Infections, Some kind of cancer, exposure to drugs or toxins

When and Where?? 

According to Patricia Stuart-Macadem, in the book

"Diet, Demography, and Disease"

  • Anemia has been around for over 3000 years (1500 B.C) In A.D 1640; Lazarus Riberus recommended the use of iron as a remedy for what was probably anemia. In the nineteenth century, chronic anemia was known as "green sickness"
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